
When I first made the decision to see if I could make a go as an indie artist at the end of the last millennia, my plan was simply to put together an act to perform locally, record a CD to sell out of the trunk of my car, then figure the rest out from there. Little did I know how small the world would become and how quickly it would happen.

Since then I’ve had my ups and downs both personally and professionally. That CD I recorded made me a Myspace sensation. But then Facebook came along and it was relegated back to the trunk of my car for distribution,

I’ve had a couple of my original songs picked up for national marketing campaigns and the continuing advancement of social media video platforms have enabled me to feel encouraged about the future after the success of my live streaming performances.

Most recently however, I’ve found myself at a stage in life I wasn’t expecting nor prepared for which is caring for a parent who is not only physically challenged but also suffers from the occasional dementia problems as well. It’s a situation that I’d rather not be in but one that I lovingly hope continues for many years to come.

Fortunately, technology keeps tossing the indie artist more and more ways to reach potential listeners without physically touring and I’m doing my best keep up with them.

I really enjoy the continued self-education required to keep producing quality music performance videos and I’m looking forward to opening my small video studio up to the public in the near future. So far I’ve been limited to myself as a talent source and I can’t wait to start producing work for other talented artist in my area.

I really appreciate your interest in my work and I hope you’ll take a moment to join my site so I can stay in touch. I’ll soon be streaming live performances from here as well as releasing some new recordings. And who knows? I may be back on the road in the near future and headed your way.

Until then,

Booking or Media Inquiries: philntheblanks@gmail.com